Enegis are proud to be the UK importer and distributor for the Vig-O-Comfort range of calf housing from Belgium. Available in three sizes, this range is exceptionally user-friendly for both calf and farmer.
A new product on the market in the UK, this really is a superb quality calf housing system.
These hutches are designed with calf comfort and health as the priority. We offer three sizes of Vig-O-Comfort hutch to meet your needs and provide shelter from the elements in all weather conditions.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_accordion][vc_accordion_tab title=”What are the dimensions of the Vig-O-Comfort calf hutches?” icon=”home”][vc_column_text]We offer the full range of Vig-O-Comfort calf hutches, in the following dimensions:All hutches are available in two colours: